Home Learning Week beginning 15th June
- ~Year 1 Home Learning schedule guidance - wb 15th June.pdf
- Dinosaur Planet Session 1.pdf
- Dinosaur Planet Session 2.pdf
- Mary Anning Recording Sheet.pdf
- RE Session.pdf
- Spelling y e_e.pdf
- Dinosaur Book template.pdf
- English Day 2 - Dinosaur Glossary.pdf
- English Day 3 - dinosaur factfile.pdf
- 9. Introduction to the multiplication symbol.pdf
- 10. Matching repeated addition expressions to multiplication expressions.pdf
- 11. Matching multiplication expressions to images and contexts.pdf
- 12. Further reasoning about multiplication expressions.pdf
- 13. Multiplication contexts involving zero and one.pdf
- English Day 4 and 5 - Dinosaur book.pdf
- English Day 1 -Similes.pdf
- PE Timetable Week Begin 15th June.pdf