Home Learning Week beginning 29th June
- Dinosaur Planet Session 1.pdf
- Spelling Activity.pdf
- DInosaur Planet 2 Blank world map.pdf
- Dinosaur Planet Session 2.pdf
- RE Session.pdf
- Endangered Animals information.pdf
- English Day 1 Endangered Animals.pdf
- timeline dinosaur pictures.pdf
- English Day 2.pdf
- English Day 3.pdf
- English Day 4.pdf
- English Day 5.pdf
- 6. Practise counting in twos.pdf
- 7. Finding missing factors and products, using knowledge of the two times table.pdf
- 8. The two times table_ looking for patterns and relationships3x.pdf
- 9. How to find an unknown using a known fact.pdf
- 10. Varied practice applying knowledge of the two times table.pdf
- PE Activities Week Begin 29th June.pdf
- ~Year 1 Home Learning schedule guidance - wb 29th June.pdf