Home Learning Week beginning 6th July
- ~Year 1 Home Learning schedule guidance - wb 6th July.pdf
- Dinosaur poster template.pdf
- Dinosaur Planet Session.pdf
- Vincent Van Gogh Topic session.pdf
- Spellings.pdf
- Needs and wants activity.pdf
- RE Session.pdf
- Recipe template.pdf
- booklet template.pdf
- English Day 1.pdf
- English Day 2.pdf
- English Day 3 and 4.pdf
- Comprehension.pdf
- 11. Writing the two times table in two ways.pdf
- 12. Practise saying the two times table with 2 as the first factor and as the second factor.pdf
- 13. Equations with expressions either side with the group size of 2.pdf
- Money Review .pdf
- Money Review.pdf
- Multiples of 2 Review (1).pdf
- Multiples of 2s review.pdf
- Sports Day Ideas.pdf