Home Learning Week beginning 8th June
- ~Year 1 Home Learning schedule guidance - wb 8th June.pdf
- Dinosaur Planet Session 2.pdf
- Dinosaurs Session 1.pdf
- Year 1 Spellings ph and wh.pdf
- RE Candle Sheet.pdf
- RE Session.pdf
- PE Timetable.pdf
- English Day 2.pdf
- English Day 4.pdf
- English Day 5.pdf
- Questions Worksheet.pdf
- English Day 1.pdf
- English Day 3.pdf
- _6. The use of a repeated addition expression to represent equal groups.pdf
- 4. Consider the nature of 'equal groups' in more detail .pdf
- 5.Practice using the sentence_ ‘There are __ groups of ___.’.pdf
- 7. See a repeated addition expression first and then make groups to match.pdf