Nursery Staff
You can now contact us directly via email.
Our address is:
Please put the name of the teacher that you want to contact in the subject field and they will respond as soon as they can.
Please download and sign up to the class Dojo App
You will receive a letter with login information. Please follow the instructions carefully.
If you need any further assistance please watch the YouTube video and see the document below.
Class dojo
Ways you can help your child...
1. Read books with your child.
- Talk about the pictures. Help them to notice details and characters.
- Encourage them to use their phonic sounds to sound out words they are unsure of.
- Ask them questions about the text to help develop their comprehension.
- Teach them the correct way to hold a book and follow along with the text.
- Read in a quiet environment and give your child your undivided attention.
2. Begin developing their Numeracy skills.
- Practise counting with your child. Ask them to count out a particular number of things such as "Please can you give me four pencils" or "How many steps can you count?"
- Recognising numbers and shapes.
- Ordering objects by size.
- Using mathematical language such as big, small, taller, later, before, more or less, etc.
- Sort object by colour, size, etc.
3. Activities to strengthen fine motor skills - ie. using playdough, building with LEGO/blocks, colouring, tracing, threading and lacing activities, picking up small objects, button buttons, etc.
4. Practise correct pencil grip (crocodile fingers) with your child.
- Provide pens, pencils, paper, crayons for your child to make marks with.
- Encourage your child to make marks on paper or copy letters.
- Get them to colour in pictures.
- Trace letters.
- Practise correctly forming the letters in their name.
5. Help your child develop their independence.
- Help them to recognise their own name.
- To use the toilet independently.
- Get dressed on their own and change their own clothing.
- To blow their nose and wash their hands correctly.
- Begin eating and drinking correctly.
- To recognise and care for their own belongings.
6. Talk to your child. This is crucial in developing their not only their speaking but also their understanding.
- Ask them questions about their day.
- Name everyday objects.
- Speak to them about their environment and their family.
- Order things according to size.
7. Encourage your child to interact with other children in social situations both inside and outside their home.
- Practise taking turns with others.
- Use correct manners.
- Share with others.
- Practise waiting their turn to speak.
- Speaking to others including familiar adults.
- Sing with your child.
Please remember that all children develop at different rates and in their own time. Please try not to compare your child with others and celebrate their achievements :)
Our learning in the Nursery!
This year in Nursery we will be using Letters and Sounds and Read, Write, Inc. Phonics programmes to teach phonics to our Nursery children. These are excellent programmes that are geared towards teaching young children to develop their listerning skills and later to develop their understanding of phonics and writing. It is important at this stage that children learn the sounds that a letter makes, begin to blend these sounds to make words and to practise correctly forming the letters.
Please find attached some links that will help your child develop their phonic sounds and their writing.
When it gets very hot why not paddle our feet to cool down
Paddling to cool down
paddling to cool down
Painting, craft and playdough fun
Fun with puddles
Puddle fun 1
Great fun was had