PE Timetable 2019/2020
Year Group |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Reception |
Indoor PE Instruction Games |
Indoor PE Instruction Games |
Indoor PE Agility Games |
Indoor PE Dance |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Athletics (Sports Day Activities) |
Outdoor PE Exploring Equipment |
Outdoor PE Exploring Equipment |
Outdoor PE Large/Small Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Large/Small Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Large/Small Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Athletics |
Year 1 |
Indoor PE Instructional Dance |
Indoor PE Indoor Athletics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Team Building Games
Indoor PE Athletics (Sports Day Activities) |
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Agility Games |
Outdoor PE Athletics |
Year 2 |
Indoor PE Dance |
Indoor PE Indoor Athletics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Team Building Games |
Indoor PE Athletics (Sports Day Activities) |
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills
Outdoor PE Introduction of small sided games |
Outdoor PE Athletics |
Year 3
Indoor PE Dance |
Indoor PE Indoor Athletics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Multi Skills |
Indoor PE Multi Skills |
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills/games associated to Hockey |
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills/games associated to Hockey |
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills/games associated to Basketball |
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills/games associated to Basketball |
Outdoor PE Net/wall Skills/games associated to Tennis |
Outdoor PE Athletics |
Year 4 |
Indoor PE Dance
Indoor PE Indoor Athletics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE OAA |
Indoor PE Multi Skills |
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills/games associated to Rounders |
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills/games associated to Basketball |
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills/minor games associated to Gaelic Football |
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills/minor games associated to Tennis
Outdoor PE Striking/Fielding/Batting leading to Cricket |
Outdoor PE Athletics |
Year 5 |
Indoor PE Dance |
Indoor PE Indoor Athletics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE OAA |
Indoor PE Multi Skills |
Outdoor PE Net/Wall Games leading to Volleyball |
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills/games leading to Football |
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills/games leading to Tag Rugby |
Outdoor PE Striking/Fielding/Batting leading to Cricket |
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills leading to Hockey
Outdoor PE Athletics |
Year 6 |
Indoor PE Dance |
Indoor PE Indoor Athletics |
Indoor PE Indoor Athletics |
Indoor PE Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics |
Indoor PE Multi Skills |
Indoor PE Multi Skills |
Outdoor PE Striking/Fielding /Batting Rounders |
Outdoor PE Large Ball Skills/games Netball |
Outdoor PE Invasions Skills/Games to Basketball |
Outdoor PE Small Ball Skills leading to Hockey
Outdoor PE Net/Wall Game Tennis |
Outdoor PE Athletics |