Reception Staff
Maths Workshop Jan 2020
You can now contact us directly via email.
Our address is:
Please put the name of the teacher that you want to contact in the subject field and they will respond as soon as they can.
New Read Write Inc. Formation Rhymes
Please download and sign up to the class Dojo App
You will receive a letter with login information. Please follow the instructions carefully. If you need any further assistance please watch the YouTube video and see the document below.
Class Dojo
Early Learning Goals. Your child's expected standards for the end of the year.
- Please ensure your child has a water bottle with them every day.
- Please bring book bags to school.
- Please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on PE days. Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Every child in Reception is entitled to a free school meal. The Pantry will be providing pack lunches, please sign up here
Your child will only receive a lunch if you sign up and select a meal for your child. The menu is available online now and you must sign up in advance as it is on a weekly rota.
- If you have not signed up for the pantry please provide your child with a pack lunch.
- Please can all children bring to school in a bag some spare pants, socks, tracksuit trousers, to keep on their peg as spare.
Autumn Term
This term we will be looking at the topic of "All about me". You can support your child by talking about themselves, parts of the body, facial features e.g. colour of their hair, eyes etc. Discuss who the members of your family are and where you live. Talk to your child about what they like and dislike.
Please support your child in becoming independent in getting dressed and undressed, especially with their school uniform and P.E. kit.
Please see the attached file here below for further information on our topic this term.